Melbourne Anarchist Club MAC info, events and news


August Update : Anarchist Bookfair (August 10) and Fantin Reading Group (August 25)

MAC will be tabling at and participating in the Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday, August 10 at Abbotsford Convent. Entry is free. For more details see the Bookfair website.

On Sunday, August 25 we will be hosting another meeting of the Fantin Reading Group, when we will be discussing the essay 'On the Content of Socialism' by Cornelius Castoriadis. The reading is available on the Reading Group blog.

Coming up in September: a screening of a new documentary film on the early Sydney punk scene.


Anarchist Bookfair 2013 / Black Light #2

Anarres/MAC will be having a stall at the upcoming Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair, August 10, 2013. For more details on the bookfair, see the bookfair website.

We'll also be distributing copies of the latest edition of our zine, Black Light. (The previous edition is available for download here.)

If you'd like to contribute to the zine, write to melbourneanarchistclub[at]gmail[dot]com.

Thank you to all who attended the Towards Federation event at MAC on the weekend of June 8/9. A full report on the event will be available on the MAC site as soon as practical. In the meantime, a brief report has been published on the 'slackbastard' blog.