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Fantin Reading Group: Summer Reading Black Flame


At the first Fantin Reading Group session we ran back in 2009, we started with the first chapter of Michael Schmidt & Lucien van der Walt's Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism. This is a great book that was published in 2008 and which covers most if not all of the issues in establishing the core ideas of anarchism, accompanied with a huge amount of historical research. More info on the book can be found here. The South African organisation Zabalaza, to which the two authors belong, is also a good resource for solid anarchist critiques on a broad range of topics.

Next: 29/1 Chapter 2 Socialism From Below: Defining Anarchism

The chapter is available online at, also there may or may not be copies of the book available to buy, for around $25.

Thanks to all those who have been attending regularly. If you haven't come yet don't worry, each chapter is fairly self contained and deals with specific political aspects of anarchism, syndicalism, anti-imperialism, feminism, etc.

All welcome to attend Fantin Reading Group.

PS. Thank you to all those who attended the Anarchist Economics FRG meeting two weeks ago making it a big success.

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